"Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have." - Lemony Snicket
If you spend any amount of time on Instagram, Youtube, or TikTok chances are you’ve seen an influencer’s take on their perfect self-care morning routine. While this type of content can hold genuinely useful tips a lot of the time there is a focus on waking up ridiculously early and drinking coffee out of aesthetically pleasing mugs. Now, while we are big fans of coffee especially in aesthetically pleasing mugs, we are bigger fans of outlining self-care habits and why they are good practices to incorporate into your morning routine. Here’s our take:
1. Don’t Be Sleep Shamed
The early bird may catch the worm but the late bird may have more energy to catch it more efficiently later! Many people swear by the importance of waking up with or even before the sun, but the most important thing is to get enough sleep. For most people, this means 7-8 hours, but it can vary. If your job allows you the flexibility to sleep in and you are a night owl, DO IT. You are not lazy or unproductive because you sleep during different hours than other people. It’s not beneficial for you to run on half a tank of energy just for the sake of getting up early.

2. Set the Mood
Surround yourself with things that make you happy. When you start your day on a positive note it sets the tone for the rest of your day. So, make sure the things you surround yourself within the beginning of your day put a smile on your face. Change your alarm sound to a song that puts you in a good mood, slip into some fuzzy slippers and a silk robe that make you feel glamorous to get ready in, and yes, pour yourself coffee or tea in your favorite aesthetically pleasing mug.
3. Make a Plan
Take the time to outline your goals for the day. This can consist of a to-do list for work, errands that you need to run, and don’t forget to include some self-care habits in there too! Writing out the things you need to accomplish can help you stay organized and help you prioritize what matters most for the day, setting you up for success. In addition to traditional to-dos, write down something you are grateful for and something you are most looking forward to in your day. This small act of writing it down will help you to stay mindful and positive throughout the day. We believe there isn’t a one-size-fits-all morning routine for everyone but incorporating some basic self-care principles can ensure your day starts on the right foot.

4. Get Moving
Some people love starting their day with a hard workout and if that’s your preferred time to get your sweat on, get it! But whether you prefer to workout later in the day, it’s your rest day, or you just aren’t feeling it, it’s still a good idea to get your body moving in the morning - even just a little. Do a quick 15-minute stretch, walk around the block, or put on a playlist you love and dance in the mirror as you pick out your clothes for the day. This will get your endorphins going and instantly have a positive effect on your mood.
Let us know what works best for you in the comments below!
Looking for More? Check out our How to Begin Your Simple Self Planner (Without Feeling Intimidated) blog for more self-care tips and tricks.